Fiberlight lamp - 光纤灯
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Fiberlight lamp - 光纤灯
Data Sheet FiberLight
The miniature UV/vis light source for spectroscopy and on-line process analysis
FiberLight is a very compact light source for the ultraviolet, visible and near infrared spectral range (from 200 nm to 1100 nm). The heart of FiberLight is an electrode-less RF induced deuterium lamp or line source.
The miniature lamp opens up UV spectroscopy to portable, battery operated instruments. Application examples are organic chemistry, pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals, agriculture, the environment and life science for on-site analyses and diagnosis. Another area of applications is in small instruments for on-line process analysis.
FiberLight is a complete UV/vis light source. It consists of the lamp unit, with deuterium and tungsten lamps in shine-through array, shutter and optical coupling with SMA fiber optic connection. There is also an optional version without optical fiber connector for direct illumination of the measurement cell. All elements are mounted on a circuit board and are externally controlled through TTL signals. FiberLight can be operated with a 12Vdc/0.6A power supply.
Key features of Heraeus FiberLight:
RF induced deuterium and visible light source
Electrodeless lamp, instant switch on/ switch off
Exchangeable lamp modules for differentUV/vis or line spectra
Ready to use -whole unit mounted oncompact circuit board
Very small size
Low power consumption, low heat generation
With double-convex lens for coupling into optical fiber
With plano-convex lens for direct illumination of measurement cell
Cross section of FiberLight lamp module
A: optical fiber
B: lens
C: aperture
D: deuterium lamp
C: tungsten lamp
Lamp life characteristic FiberLight DTM 6/10 (measured at 250 nm)
FiberLight with deuterium andtungsten lamp DTM 6/10 DTM 6/50 DTM 6/11
Light exit SMA 905 SMA 905parallel beam direct to measurement cellD2 lamp spectral output (nm)200-400; option: 185200-400; option: 185200-400; option: 185400400400D2 lamp radiant intensity (W/sr @ > 5 x 10-8> 5 x 10-8> 5 x 10-8240 nm)D2 lamp stability (AU)< 1 x 10-3< 1 x 10-3< 1 x 10-3D2 lamp drift (%/h) lamp spectral output400 -1100400 -1100400 -1100(nm)Aperture diameter (mm) fiber diameter400 -600200 -600-(µm)Power consumption (W)666Power requirements12 Vdc/ 0.6 Adc12 Vdc/ 0.6 Adc12 Vdc/ 0.6 AdcControlTTLTTLTTLWindow materialfused quartz; option:fused quartz; option:fused quartz; option:synthetic quartzsynthetic quartzsynthetic quartzCoolingnot requirednot requirednot requiredLifetime (h)100010001000Light exitSMA 905SMA 905SMA 905SMA 905SMA 905Line source spectral outputMercury linesNeon linesKrypton linesHelium linesXenon linesAperture diameter (mm) fiber diameter400 -600400 -600400 -600400 -600400 -600(µm)Power consumption (W)66666Power requirements12 Vdc/ 0.6 Adc12 Vdc/ 0.6 Adc12 Vdc/ 0.6 Adc12 Vdc/ 0.6 Adc12 Vdc/ 0.6 AdcControlTTLTTLTTLTTLTTLWindow materialfused quartzfused quartzfused quartzfused quartzfused quartzCoolingnot requirednot requirednot requirednot requirednot requiredLifetime (h)10001000100010001000更多产品资料和信息的获得,请与我们咨询